Why should you study digital marketing on Udacity

 This September, I started my journey with Udacity in the “Our Digital Future FWD” initiative, specializing in digital marketing.

 Which is provided by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology in cooperation with Itida

 As usual, the beginning of any new field will be difficult and heavy...

 My challenges in learning digital marketing

 The relative challenges were:

 This field is far from my field of study and work, as n industrial designer.

 But it is not far from my interests, hobbies and passion in business management and development, writing and design,

 And I understand the importance of this field to any type of business or field of work.

 Time, time is the thing that worries me the most. Of course, it is difficult to strike a balance in your life between your work, interests and hobbies, and learning new skills.. time, effort and fatigue.

Unfortunately I didn't notice that I've got accepted when they accepted my scholarship so I had to Harry up

 Passion for learning digital marketing

 Passion and determination prompted me to see and experience a different world and learn a new field and different skills, and try to make money from it as well and be a source of income

 What encouraged me in the beginning was my love and passion for freelancing and the digital world in general as a job and investment.

And the truth about this egFWD initiative. I saw an unusual effort from those in charge of it, and a super organization, spending and costly advertising campaigns, everywhere I was facing their advertisements…

 I benefited a lot and understood how valuable and respectful the curriculum is, and it is worth the time that you will invest in it.

 I learned a lot from their approach .

So.. what is My advice?

My advice for anyone who really aims to learn digital marketing is to join this track

You won't find such organized approach to learn digital marketing

And Don't worry if you don't have enough time

There's always time to learn what you want and Udacity is the best place for that.
